Darpa program aims to atomic clocks
Darpa program aims to atomic clocks

darpa program aims to atomic clocks

Their technique will be to copy how DNA self-assemblies into an intertwined structure.

  • Draper will concentrate of radio frequency subsystems to boost their range and global positioning accuracy by 20 times by assembling nanoscale braiding subassemblies first at the micron scale then finally at the millimeter scale in phase two.
  • And as with all DARPA programs, they hope that their success will seep into the civilian world of sports injuries.
  • Embody will concentrate on developing collagen nano fibers that can mimic natural ligaments to the medical recovery of soldiers for quicker and 50 percent lower cost that today.
  • (PARC, California),and Zyvex Labs (Richardson, Texas). The other teams include: Boston University, Draper Laboratory (Cambridge, Mass.), Embody (Norfolk, Virginia), Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.), SRI (Menlo Park, California), the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana), Voxtel (Beaverton, Oregon), Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Inc. Nine other teams working on different projects, including medical applications.

    darpa program aims to atomic clocks

    The second step will be to assemble those micro-scale subassemblies into millimeter-sized products that continue to maintain the quantum effects, as well as the lower melting points and higher specific heats of nanoscale assemblies. That step will take 12 months of the 3-year program. Our first milestone will be to assemble two types of sub-200 nanometer gratings into 210 micron assemblies that maintain their nanoscale properties.” “We assemble layer-upon-layer of spherical diffraction gratings. “We have already shown we can assemble two types of nanoparticles for the control of infrared light,” said Gross. HRl has subcontracted with Intelligent Materials Solutions (Princeton, New Jersey) to extend the nanoscale magic of advanced materials by precisely assembling them atom-per-atom. One of the leading contractors, HRL Laboratories, LLC (Malibu, Calif.), spoke about the program to EE Times last October, before DARPA was ready to go public with some aspects of the program.


    The challenge is how to retain the characteristics of materials at the atomic scale in much larger ‘product-scale’ (typically a few centimeters) devices and systems.” “These ‘atomic-scale’ behaviors have potentially important defense applications,” says DARPA’s Atoms to Products website, “including quantized current-voltage behavior, dramatically lower melting points and significantly higher specific heats, for example. The agency has now set that challenge to 10 laboratories nationwide in its Atoms to Products program. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is looking for a way to capture the benefits of both worlds: the nanoscale manufacturing while upsizing to a more practical millimeter scale. PORTLAND, Ore.-Materials have uncommon electrical and quantum-level properties at the nanoscale that disappear at the millimeter-scale, where most chips are manufactured.

    Darpa program aims to atomic clocks